
Refining the Art of Editing

Have you ever noticed how challenges and difficulties seem to teach us the most in life?  Trials have a way of causing us to see what we are really made of.  They stretch us … shape us … refine our character.  The definition of refine is to improve or perfect by introducing subtle changes.  Silversmithing is a time-intensive art requiring a steady hand and well-trained eye where subtle changes are made to objects under extreme heat with one hammer blow at a time.

The written word is a powerful tool of expression and most often requires a steady hand and well-trained eye to remove the impurities and flaws that threaten to distort the writer’s objective.  Facebook, texting, twitter, e-mail, and other social media outlets are notorious for distorting communication.  Poor writing weakens the influence and message the writer intends to impart.

The art of editing can feel very much like the pounding of the hammer on the silversmith’s anvil!
However, like trials and challenges in life, it also refines … improves… and edifies our craft.

Let me be that second set of eyes to refine your writing and enhance your message and influence.

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