
refinebykit.comI am a daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother … continually being refined and shaped by a loving God. I am passionate about my family, adoption, bringing hope to the hurting, being outside (preferably near water!), and the written word. I came to my passion for writing a little late in life and began pursuing my English degree several years ago. My passion for writing led me to grant writing and for the past two years I have secured funding for several nonprofits both within my state and throughout the United States.  I am also in the process of becoming CFRE certified as a nonprofit consultant.

I am a thesaurus junky and thrive on expanding my vocabulary and have been caught reading my dictionary like a novel!  My goal as a writer and editor is to present crisp documents expressing  a clear message.

There is always a story behind a nick name and mine originated from my friend Kari Gibson’s (My Crazy Adoption) daughter, Hannah.  Several years ago, Hannah dubbed me “Kit” … like a KitKat candy bar!  Well it stuck … thus … refinebykit.

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